Almost all of the Christmas decorations that I use were hand me downs from my family. I've used the same decorations for 5 years now and this year I was just bored with them. So I made myself a swanky new wreath (as posted on a previous blog). I set out the day after Christmas in search of some fun new decor that would point us to the real meaning of Christmas during the holiday. So here is what I got: The Joy letters were the real steal of a deal because they are regularly $20 and I paid $3.75 at The Family Christian Store in the Mall. I also got the Kneeling Santa ornament (this reminds me of Chads grandfather who died just recently and also since we will somewhat do the santa tradition I wanted to incorporate Jesus even into that). I got it at the same store for $5.62 (they had a cheaper one but this was better quality) and it was originally $15. I got Darby the Saint Nicholas Veggie Tales DVD from that same store as well for $5.61 and it was origanlly $15. At that store I saved $34.99 on all three things and spent $16! Then I got the Angel table top decor at Belk. They had 75% off their Christmas stuff. I spent $16 on both of them and saved $46.50! What I didn't get at Belk but really really wanted was this tree decoration that coordinated with these angels. It was originally $110 so even at 75% off I would have spent what I did on all of these things for just that one thing. I loved it but I couldn't bring myself to do it. So my plan is to eventually collect my own set of Christmas decor after the holiday each year.
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
My After Christmas Bargains
Almost all of the Christmas decorations that I use were hand me downs from my family. I've used the same decorations for 5 years now and this year I was just bored with them. So I made myself a swanky new wreath (as posted on a previous blog). I set out the day after Christmas in search of some fun new decor that would point us to the real meaning of Christmas during the holiday. So here is what I got: The Joy letters were the real steal of a deal because they are regularly $20 and I paid $3.75 at The Family Christian Store in the Mall. I also got the Kneeling Santa ornament (this reminds me of Chads grandfather who died just recently and also since we will somewhat do the santa tradition I wanted to incorporate Jesus even into that). I got it at the same store for $5.62 (they had a cheaper one but this was better quality) and it was originally $15. I got Darby the Saint Nicholas Veggie Tales DVD from that same store as well for $5.61 and it was origanlly $15. At that store I saved $34.99 on all three things and spent $16! Then I got the Angel table top decor at Belk. They had 75% off their Christmas stuff. I spent $16 on both of them and saved $46.50! What I didn't get at Belk but really really wanted was this tree decoration that coordinated with these angels. It was originally $110 so even at 75% off I would have spent what I did on all of these things for just that one thing. I loved it but I couldn't bring myself to do it. So my plan is to eventually collect my own set of Christmas decor after the holiday each year.
Bargain shopping,
Friday, December 25, 2009
Merry Christmas!
This Christmas was hard. It was exciting though because there wasn't too much to be distracted by so I got to really consider the Love that God has for us that he sent his Son for us. My girls were precious as always... Here are some pictures from yesterday morning. I actually decided to do "Santa" and that decision process is a whole blog in itself so I won't elaborate. On to the pictures....

Darby caught eating the chocolate!
I really think claire was hugging Carson cuz she kept doing this! It was sooo sweet!
Carson at the mic and my sweet baby niece Claire on keyboard
Me and the girls! Please excuse my no make-up just woke up ness!

Wednesday, December 23, 2009
This will be my collection of a bunch of random things. Today Darby said a couple of funny things. She said, and who even knows where she learned this from, "no, NEVERRRR"-what in the world!?! She also said to me when I asked her to clean up her toys, "okay, I'm trying". She is so funny. This afternoon at Walmart I had a moment that really truly was innocent but man I get freaked out when ppl do this! This old guy was blocking my way to get down the isle and he turned and saw I was blocked and rather than moving his cart he struck up a 10 min conversation with me. He really was so sweet. I learned that he used to sell insurance for a particular company and is now retired. He is also retired from the navy. He now works some for Met-Life just for something to do. I know when he worked for the first insurance company he used to make over $100,000. I have the name if you are interested in the company bc he gave it to me to tell my husband to call them if he is not making enough money. He talked to Darby about Santa Claus. He gave Darby a dollar bill, that he told her Santa asked him to give her. I hope this isn't bad but then we put it in the salvation army bucket when we left-I heard that charity is kind of iffy. Can I tell you that I really have been craving watching a movie. I really haven't seen one in ages it seems like. Well wait, I take that back I took Darby to see one the other day but I mean like an adult movie! Anyway, I hope all of you (all three of you) have a Merry Christmas.
Saturday, December 19, 2009
How Deep the Father's Love
So this is the season for celebrating Gods love through the birth of Christ, right? I am still trying to understand just how gently and perfectly he loves me day to day. It is hard to imagine perfect love. I think in a world tainted with sin it is impossible, the only thing we can do, is gain a better and deeper understanding of it as we walk with Him, as we offer our heart, as we go through life, through struggles and joys, etc... Tonight, wait let me back up... Today, Darby and Carson got their picture taken with Santa! I am still shocked bc 1. I had the patience to wait in line and 2. because Darby (and Carson!) GLADLY sat in Santas lap. I talked to Darby yesterday about giving her passys to santa and she went right along with the idea talking about how she is a big girl and passys are for babies. I thought this might be my chance, so I took it! Anyway, back to tonight, she obviously had a hard time not being sad over the fact that she didn't have a passy. So I tried to be extra sympathetic (which does not come naturally for me). It went okay but then she got out of bed, so I went in and held her and rocked her and sang to her for what felt like an eternity. One of my goals in parenting is to show my children to the best of my ability the love of God. How gentle, how patient,how comforting... I don't even know these things for myself so that seems like a challenge but I think one way God will teach me is through doing it! I kept holding her and I knew she was sad and confused. All I really wanted to do was take my shower and go to bed myself but every time I wanted to put her down I just said to myself I know God just has to keep holding on, I kept picturing myself in his arms, and him agonizing over the fact that I am sad and confused and even weeping for me. I hope I can hang onto this picture for a while. I know he is near to me. I know he cares for me because why else would we be celebrating Jesus' birth in six days. This is one of my most meaningful Christmases to date. I'm so thankful for the Gospel of grace, love and hope that it gives! Darby ended up saying that she wanted to lay down in her bed again and so I put her back down and gave her kisses and she said as I did it, thank you mom.... I'm so glad I was patient!
Love, Love, Love this song! How Deep the Father's Love For Us
You will have to pause the music at the bottom of the blog to listen but it is WORTH it!
Love, Love, Love this song! How Deep the Father's Love For Us
You will have to pause the music at the bottom of the blog to listen but it is WORTH it!
walking with God
Friday, December 18, 2009
My Inner Martha Stewart
So ever since my sanitizer bottles turned out successfully...I have been motivated to do more "crafty" things. Last week, I did a wreath that I found on The Idea Room blog that is made out of ornaments. I can't find it anywhere on that blog now though. I am very happy with how it came out. I took the picture once it was hanging on my door and the light was shining on it but I wish I would have took one of it when it was still inside. I guess I still could bring it inside to take a picture but that is too much trouble! It is not THAT important.

All it is is a wire hanger with ornaments strung on. 70 ornaments! I used a glue gun to secure the wire things (don't know what they are called) to the ornaments and went to town.
Also found on the idea room blog these fabulous brownies with "candy-cane" hershey kisses in them here! They are fabulous! This picture is of the first time I made them (yes, I have made them 3 times now and I have to STOP). I didn't realized I was suppose to use the mini muffin pans so they were big but still good. I did use the mini muffin pan for the next two batches and I just think they are absolutely delish! I have given them to teachers, neighbors, and friends. I hope they like them as much as I do!

All you have to do to be able to enjoy these for yourselves is: put together a box of brownie mix, put mix in a greased mini muffin pan, press kiss into center (not all the way down bc it will be hard to get out of pan), bake 350 degrees for 15 min, and then let cool completely (garnish with chopped up kisses if you want). Delish!
All it is is a wire hanger with ornaments strung on. 70 ornaments! I used a glue gun to secure the wire things (don't know what they are called) to the ornaments and went to town.
Also found on the idea room blog these fabulous brownies with "candy-cane" hershey kisses in them here! They are fabulous! This picture is of the first time I made them (yes, I have made them 3 times now and I have to STOP). I didn't realized I was suppose to use the mini muffin pans so they were big but still good. I did use the mini muffin pan for the next two batches and I just think they are absolutely delish! I have given them to teachers, neighbors, and friends. I hope they like them as much as I do!
All you have to do to be able to enjoy these for yourselves is: put together a box of brownie mix, put mix in a greased mini muffin pan, press kiss into center (not all the way down bc it will be hard to get out of pan), bake 350 degrees for 15 min, and then let cool completely (garnish with chopped up kisses if you want). Delish!
crafty things
7 Months!
My sweet baby girl is 7 months old today! I can't believe how fast this time goes by. I know before I realize it she is going to be 2 and so I am trying to soak it all in while I can. I didn't enjoy the baby phase as much with Darby because it was my first go round and I was always just wondering what was coming next and figuring out everything. I remember I analyzed EVERYTHING. It is so funny how different it is now with Carson.
Still no teeth yet! Oh my goodness, I keep thinking she will get one anyday but not yet! She is eating very good though! She def has breakfast and dinner (baby food of course) I am incorparating lunch, it all depends how hungry I think she is. She is sitting up marvelously. She is even getting on her hands and knees. She sometimes rocks but alot of the time she gets up and flops herself forward onto her belly and repeats until she gets to her desired location. It is so funny!
Here are a few pictures I took this morning....

This next picture Carson was in the middle of celebrating that her big sister just came in the room. She gets SO excited! They love each other!
Still no teeth yet! Oh my goodness, I keep thinking she will get one anyday but not yet! She is eating very good though! She def has breakfast and dinner (baby food of course) I am incorparating lunch, it all depends how hungry I think she is. She is sitting up marvelously. She is even getting on her hands and knees. She sometimes rocks but alot of the time she gets up and flops herself forward onto her belly and repeats until she gets to her desired location. It is so funny!
Here are a few pictures I took this morning....
This next picture Carson was in the middle of celebrating that her big sister just came in the room. She gets SO excited! They love each other!
Sunday, December 13, 2009
The Cutest Things
I am "allowed" to blog again bc I am at a stand still with my Christmas cards. I realized the other night that I need more ink in my return address stamp. That can be fixed on Monday and I can drop them in the mailbox at the post office and be done! Thats a relief. But that leads me to my first cutest thing!
My Three Designing Women Return address stamp!

I couldn't find a picture of what mine looks like but even since I bought mine a while ago they have come out with several more designs so here are a couple other designs I think are fun:

You can find more and lots more cute stuff at
The next cutest thing (i'm not talking in order from most cutest to least just the next thing on my list) is my cute 2 yr old! She says things that make me laugh! Today she wanted to call her daddy on the phone so I called him, put it on speaker, and gave the phone to her. He didn't answer so she had to leave a message which she only semi understands that concept. So when she didn't hear him talking back she said, "oh no mommy I need speaker phone on". Oh my goodness, she is so cute to me!
I interupt this blog to put a CUTE picture of Darby and Carson. Carson is either kissing Darby or eating her...I don't know? They love each other!

The next cutest thing is my baby Carson! I enjoy her sooooo much. What I love and think is the absolute cutest is when she gets so excited and kicks her legs and flails her arms and smiles so big and just breathes in and out loudly or laughs. I mean that is SO cute!
My last cutest thing in my blog are these sanitizer bottles that I made last night at a girls night with my community group ladies! I am so pleased with how they turned out! I got the idea from the idea room blog. Her picture came out much better than I can get mine to, but here are mine anyways. It is such a CUTE little gift. I am giving them to little Darby's preschool teachers for christmas gifts.

My Three Designing Women Return address stamp!

I couldn't find a picture of what mine looks like but even since I bought mine a while ago they have come out with several more designs so here are a couple other designs I think are fun:

You can find more and lots more cute stuff at
The next cutest thing (i'm not talking in order from most cutest to least just the next thing on my list) is my cute 2 yr old! She says things that make me laugh! Today she wanted to call her daddy on the phone so I called him, put it on speaker, and gave the phone to her. He didn't answer so she had to leave a message which she only semi understands that concept. So when she didn't hear him talking back she said, "oh no mommy I need speaker phone on". Oh my goodness, she is so cute to me!
I interupt this blog to put a CUTE picture of Darby and Carson. Carson is either kissing Darby or eating her...I don't know? They love each other!

The next cutest thing is my baby Carson! I enjoy her sooooo much. What I love and think is the absolute cutest is when she gets so excited and kicks her legs and flails her arms and smiles so big and just breathes in and out loudly or laughs. I mean that is SO cute!
My last cutest thing in my blog are these sanitizer bottles that I made last night at a girls night with my community group ladies! I am so pleased with how they turned out! I got the idea from the idea room blog. Her picture came out much better than I can get mine to, but here are mine anyways. It is such a CUTE little gift. I am giving them to little Darby's preschool teachers for christmas gifts.

crafty things,
fabulous things
Friday, December 11, 2009
Family Pictures!
Last weekend my fabulous friend Amy took some photos of all of us! You can see more of her work at and visit her blog at They came just in time to help me decorate my blog so you will recognize some from the side!

Also, a note of congratulations to my dear friend Julie! She had her baby last night! She was a great pregnant lady, and I can't believe little Jude Issac is here! Praise the Lord for his life! Isn't it so wonderful to know that God put every little piece of him together!?! He also knows every single day of his life ALREADY! That is awesome! I can't wait to meet him.
Now I have really got to take a break from this blogging business so that I can conquer my christmas cards! My self imposed deadline is Monday!

Also, a note of congratulations to my dear friend Julie! She had her baby last night! She was a great pregnant lady, and I can't believe little Jude Issac is here! Praise the Lord for his life! Isn't it so wonderful to know that God put every little piece of him together!?! He also knows every single day of his life ALREADY! That is awesome! I can't wait to meet him.
Now I have really got to take a break from this blogging business so that I can conquer my christmas cards! My self imposed deadline is Monday!
Thursday, December 10, 2009
About My Blog!
It didn't really take me anytime to come up with my blog title. I would say that what God is doing the most in me right now is giving me an eternal and everlasting perspective. For a year and a quarter now I have been walking through some hard times in life. I got pregnant with my sweet Carson in August 08 and since then the only way to describe my life is difficult. I'm not complaining (although I do sometimes), it has been great to learn and grow and has produced MUCH joy! I understand (somewhat) what it means to do as paul says and "consider it pure joy when you face sufferings of many kinds". Someone who I consider to be very wise illustrated to me that trials and temptations are absolutely necessary for our santification. So I want to be santified right? Of course! So why would I (or do I) grumble against them? The answer to that would BEEEEE bc I live on this side of heaven!
So this is a blog of my life...this side of heaven. Oh how it is filled with great blessings. Things I don't deserve! A fabulous family, fabulous friends, a fabulous roof over my head, clothes on my back, and food in my belly! HE has also provided fun things for my enjoyment and entertainment. My blog is going to be about these things! The sweet glimpses of God's sweet grace, mercy and love.
It will be a great reminder for me too of God's goodness and faithfulness in ALL circumstances! I hope it will encourage myself and all of its readers to press on toward eternal glory with Jesus in heaven! This life is fleeting.
This has got to be my blog verse: Phillipians 3: 12-14
.."I press on to take hold of that for which Christ Jesus took hold of me."
.."Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus."
Here are some other relevant truths to my blog:
Psalm 27: 13-14 "I am still confident of this: I will see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living. Wait for the Lord; be strong and take heart and wait for the Lord"
John 16:33 Jesus speaking...."In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world."
Soon I will have some pictures and more info steps steps! = )
So this is a blog of my life...this side of heaven. Oh how it is filled with great blessings. Things I don't deserve! A fabulous family, fabulous friends, a fabulous roof over my head, clothes on my back, and food in my belly! HE has also provided fun things for my enjoyment and entertainment. My blog is going to be about these things! The sweet glimpses of God's sweet grace, mercy and love.
It will be a great reminder for me too of God's goodness and faithfulness in ALL circumstances! I hope it will encourage myself and all of its readers to press on toward eternal glory with Jesus in heaven! This life is fleeting.
This has got to be my blog verse: Phillipians 3: 12-14
.."I press on to take hold of that for which Christ Jesus took hold of me."
.."Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus."
Here are some other relevant truths to my blog:
Psalm 27: 13-14 "I am still confident of this: I will see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living. Wait for the Lord; be strong and take heart and wait for the Lord"
John 16:33 Jesus speaking...."In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world."
Soon I will have some pictures and more info steps steps! = )
walking with God
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
A Blog For How To Blog?
This is not at all what I want my blog to look like. I have a LONG way to go! I am so stoked about getting into this project. It doesn't come as natural to me as it seems to come to some of my fellow bloggers...oh well. I will learn I, I hope = ). I wanted to decorate my blog for Christmas using some great backgrounds and things from but I figured that was getting WAY too far ahead of myself for right now. I chose this background because it is called RIDICULOUSLY FABULOUS. That title could not suit me any better. I mean fabulous is my most favorite word right now! So I am happy I found it. It will be my background for now I suppose. I wonder if there is a blog for how to blog!?!
Blog Design,
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