Wednesday, January 6, 2010

A Time to Celebrate!

You might ask, "What's the occasion!?!"

I finally got a comment from someone else besides Carissa! It is so ridiculous that this put such a big smile on my face! I mean this whole post is me making fun of myself! This blog could almost be my third child. If you know me I LOVE accessorizing. So what is the point of a blog if not to just accessorize a page!?! So anyway on that note...I am seriously considering purchasing a premade blog design. I like mine okay it it took me having to learn so much just to make it what it is but you know what I like about other blog designs???? The bigger space in the middle. This may not make any sense but I mean the background isn't so wide and the middle section is bigger. When I go from other blogs to this one then I feel like mine looks squished. Anyway, I am def on the hunt for a cute premade blog design that fits me. ORRRRR maybe I should just add a signature and post divider and see if that satisfies my need to accessorize for right now. What to do, what to do?? Thanks Kellie for your much needed comment because I thought well I could just call Carissa and tell her all of this stuff! Ha ha, I am really just kidding. But if you do follow you can let me know by "following" me or dropping me a line every once and a while. I should also give my sis Amanda a special thank you for signing up to "follow" me a few days ago....just to see the third follower made me smile too. It makes me feel like my blog has a purpose and is growing = ). I just hope that you don't notice what hour I am writing this blog because then you may be concerned about how much of a purpose this blog might be to me ; ).


  1. sorry, this is just another carissa comment... ha ha! you make me laugh! you are super cute!!!

  2. I look at your blog everyday Beth! I'll start commenting more:)

    Also, you should add a tracking to your blog to see how many people look at it! It's really neat and free! I use Google Anayltics!


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